Sometimes I channel Elvis. No, not his sultry voice. Not his curled lip, Not his over-the-top one piece Evil Knievil jump suits. I channel his love of peanut butter and bacon. Oh, yeah. Now we are talking. That combo is worth being found dead next to the 'throne'. I recently introduced the UltimateBeta to the joys of salty and smoky combined with sweet and nutty.
The UB wanted breakfast. She wanted an egg sandwich. I asked her, "Are you sure you want me to take the time to saute up onions and peppers?" The UB replied, "Nope. just some bacon." The limitation of the word 'some' should never precede 'bacon'. Do not take bacon's name in vain. For that I knew the UB needed to be reminded of the higher power of bacon. I decided to show her the correct coarse; the proper path that leads to enlightenment; the direction to nirvana was to add peanut butter. Spread of the gods.
I slowly fried up some apple-smoked, cinnamon-cured bacon. Then I prepped two English muffins cut in half and placed them into the toaster oven to be toasted just before the eggs were complete.
I diced up 1 tsp. of fresh sweet basil
Diced 1 tbsp. of aged Gouda
Placed 4 egg rings onto a well oiled frying pan and then brought the pan up to med-high. [if you don't know what an egg rings is - Google it]
Once the eggs were cooked not runny, but not hard. I placed them onto the bacon which was sitting on top of the toasted muffin.
After (egg)wich you bite into a hunk of burning love.
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