Sunday, March 13, 2011

Apple Schmarren; a Beta breakfast specialty

Sunday morning, Spring is coming!
For all my breakfast loving followers: I have another pancake recipe that is so easy but looks really impressive and tastes amazing. This is an Apple Schmarren aka Apple Puff Pancake. I've been making this for a number of years after discovering a recipe in the fabulous book "Jewish Cooking in America" by Joan Nathan. This recipe serves four, I cut it in half which is perfect for the two of us.

Preheat your oven to 350* and place an oven safe skillet to heat on your stove top on a medium/low flame. Mix 1 cup all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/8 teaspoon salt. I will often add about a tsp of cinnamon or a tsp of vanilla. Add 3 large eggs, 1 cup of milk and beat until smooth. Add 2 cored, peeled apples cut into eighths and stir into the batter. Once you've made this a couple times, start experimenting with different fruit. I have used pears, various berries, all with good success.

Brush the heated skillet with butter and pour in the batter. Place the skillet in the oven. I have found that it takes about 20-25 minutes to cook. Monitor it closely, as I've found the cooking time varies. You want the batter to rise around the apples, become crispy on the sides and the batter should appear cooked, not wet.

Once it appears cooked I remove the skillet from the oven and sprinkle it with raw sugar. I turn off the oven and turn on the broiler to high. I put the skillet under the broiler and watch it closely (once it starts to brown it goes fast!) until the sugar starts to brown and the pancake cracks around the apples. Remove from broiler and cut into pieces.

There are many options for serving- syrup, preserves, my favorite is to squeeze a slice of lemon and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The result is light, crispy, a perfect balance of tart and sweet, ideal for a lazy Sunday breakfast. This is one you HAVE to try.


Sarah Stonich said...

I'm making this right now, with pears, sour cherries and ginger instead of cinnamon, with a dash of cardomom. Keeping fingers crossed - hoping the smell with wake up the old man!

Ultimate Beta said...

Sounds fabulous- let me know how it works! Just downloaded your new book "Shelter" for my Kindle. I'm excited to start reading it!